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Re: Why Men won't dance (a comedy)
Posted by kim
3/10/2005  3:00:00 AM
Hi im a 12 year old girl who,s about to get her 15th ballroom dancing trophie well in the dance accadmy i am a meber of there is 400 students.10 of these students are guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Re: Why Men won't dance (a comedy)
Posted by jerryblu
3/16/2005  10:09:00 AM
My wife and I celebrated our anniversary at our usual ballroom, and everyone formed a circle while we danced the waltz; it was charming. After our special dance, a couple came over, asked how long we had been married, and when we said 35 years, they replied with some degree of superiority that they had been married for SIXTY years!!!

After they left our table, my wife turned to a friend and said "Isnt it remarkable how people who dance together stay together", and our friend replied, quick as a wink, "Well, yes. It's hard to train a new partner."

Jerry (dancing for 5 years, a member of the fanatic 50%)
Re: Why Men won't dance (a comedy)
Posted by lulu2
3/16/2005  10:50:00 AM
I'm finding it very difficult to continue my dancing since my partner and I have gone separate ways;
also due to the lack of avail. men at these dances, I guess I'll be dancing by myself.
Re: Why Men won't dance (a comedy)
Posted by spinner
3/16/2005  4:02:00 PM
I'm from the UK, and I have had immense difficulty in getting any girl to persist in learning to dance along with me. Which is a shame, since I'm about the only guy who's fanatic about dancing around here. Strange, eh? And incredibly frustrating as well, since this is severely impeding my dance education.

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